GenEon Makes a Donation to the U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce
GenEon Furthers Its Commitment to Sustainability with Support for USGCC
San Antonio, Texas – GenEon, long recognized as a leader in products that promote sustainability, safety for consumers, and safety for the environment, has made a donation to the U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce (USGCC) to show support for the organization and the work it does. According to Larry Smith, VP of Sales at GenEon, "Making the decision to support the U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce was easy. The organization and GenEon are very much on the same page when it comes to the future of our planet and the desire to see more businesses succeed while being part of a solution that means a cleaner, healthier world for all of us."

The U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce says it "represents the voice of hundreds of thousands of small, midsized, and large American businesses and global corporations" that all believe there's a way to combine business success with an approach that doesn't put the future of our planet at risk. The USGCC is an advocate for sustainable practices like solar energy and wind as a source of renewable energy. The USGCC has also recently endorsed electrolyzed water, which Michelle Thatcher, the organization's CEO says is, "A game-changer for sustainability in the industry." According to the USGCC, "It meets the Sustainability Triple Bottom Line, which encourages the assessment of overall business performance practices based on three important areas: Profit, People, and Planet. The USGCC believes business success and sustainability go hand in hand, that shareholder value and social consciousness co-exist side-by-side, and that long-term business profits, global leadership, and environmental stewardship are inseparable from each other. For these reasons, the USGCC is recognized as the voice of sustainability in the business sector.
GenEon shares and supports these same values and continues to find ways to work toward these goals in its own business by producing sustainable cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting products and cleaning systems the company says helps ensure the integrity of the environment while making sure consumers aren't subjected to toxic chemicals found in the vast majority of cleaning products on the market. GenEon does so by using electrolyzed water and natural minerals. GenEon's donation to the USGCC is a step the company took to show its support for the USGCC's mission.
You can learn more about GenEon's sustainable cleaning solutions by calling
866.217.0205 or by filling out the form on their website.
To learn more about how to support The U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce, visit their website or call them at 407-310-1744.