Residential Cleaners

No business takes cleaning and sanitizing more seriously than those who do it professionally. Establishing a consistent, cost-effective, and reliable method for cleaning residential areas is essential for maintaining your reputation as a professional while maintaining existing clients and attracting new ones.

GenEon solutions are ideal for any job that needs to be done right. No matter how large of a space it is that you're cleaning, you can rely on our products for all of your cleaning, degreasing, and sanitizing needs. With lab tests proving that our solutions kill greater than 99.999% of harmful germs while remaining safe for all users and surfaces, there is no better choice than GenEon technologies. Our efficient, sustainable, and eco-friendly products will get the job done without breaking the bank. Additionally, our color coded solutions makes it easy for your staff to always use the right product for the right job, avoiding costly damages and unhappy clients.

GenEon Field Test
While trying to get answers from the crew on how well the GenEon products have been working. I've been getting answers like, "It works well," "I like it," "It smells good." Nobody has been giving comparisons on how works compared to the chemicals that we have been using. I've been looking into things that will be difficult to clean and show the worth of the generated green chemicals from GenEon.

Paul2Ceiling While at home I found the perfect testing grounds. A kitchen ceiling with grease from the stove, smoke from a wood burning fireplace, and smokers in the house.

I started by spraying the GenEon HD Degreaser directly on the ceiling, within seconds I watched the dirt, grease, and smoke emulsify in the liquid, and I was able to just wipe it away with a microfiber towel. It takes a lot to impress me when it comes to cleaning chemicals, I've been working with them most of my career, but this generated green chemical truly impressed me.

In the past, I've had to tape off all the wood, mix up some TSP put down tarps and clean the ceiling. Then I would have to seal the ceiling with primer, and paint a final coat, remove all tarps and tape.

Using the GenEon HD Degreaser saved me about two days of extra work and time. It took off all the dirt, grease, and smoke right down to the paint. When done the ceiling looked like it had just been painted.

This chemical reminds me of the chemical that I've used to clean acoustical tiles in the past without the harmful effects.

Paul3Ceiling Paul1Ceiling

— Paul W. Bluege, ES Inventory Supervisor, Ho-Chunk Gaming
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