Industry Articles

Learn About the Dangers of Quat Binding

March 14, 2022

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Close-Up of Hands Wringing Cleaning Cloth in a Bucket Simbolizing the Dangers of Quat Binding Quat binding refers to the absorption of quaternary ammonium chloride, which is an active ingredient in multiple disinfectants. As the effects of quat binding garner more attention, manufacturers started providing options to promote safer cleaning and disinfecting strategies. [Read more...]

Survey Reveals Why Schools Should Adjust their Disinfecting Strategies

January 03, 2022

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School Janitor Disinfecting The use of chemical disinfectants increased in 2020, following the onset of the pandemic. Even though many products are capable of killing SARS-CoV-2, they're also known for causing multiple health complications. [Read more...]

The Right Way to Increase Indoor Air Quality

June 09, 2021

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Air Quality in Offices While the impact of improved air quality has been addressed in the past, the long-lasting effects of the COVID-19 have led to improvements on HVAC units and the implementation of air purifiers. [Read more...]

Professor Promotes Eco-Friendly Disinfectant to Improve Maine's Supply Chain

June 01, 2021

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Professor in Maine Promotes Eco-Friendly Disinfecting Products A professor at the University of Maine is currently researching disinfecting solutions powered by hypochlorous acid to boost local supply without adding to the waste of environmental resources. [Read more...]

Has COVID-19 Slowed the Spread of Influenza?

March 01, 2021

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Has COVID-19 Slowed the Spread of Influenza? Despite being the cause of 600,000 to 800,000 annual hospitalizations in the US, flu cases have shown a significant drop partially due to months of enhanced protective measures against the spread of COVID-19. [Read more...]

Hopeful Predictions for the Summer Despite New Record of COVID-19 Deaths

January 22, 2021

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Hopeful Predictions for the Summer Despite New Record of COVID-19 Deaths After having administered 9.3 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, health officials are planning to expand vaccination programs in several parts of the country. [Read more...]

Vaccine Rollout: Check How it's Going in Your State

January 16, 2021

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Vaccine Rollout: Check How It's Going In Your State Following the latest spike of new COVID-19 cases, reports from the CDC show that health auhorities are still miles away from the goals set for the vaccine rollout. [Read more...]

Virus Experts Share their Findings on New COVID-19 Strain

December 22, 2020

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New Strain of Covid-19 Found in UK A recent CBS News article collects all the available data on the new Coronavirus strain. The main concern lies in the strain displaying a higher spread rate. [Read more...]

The Dangers of COVID-19 Disinfectants

November 25, 2020

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The Dangers of COVID-19 Disinfectants An article recently published by The Epoch Times describes how some of the disinfectants people use to fight COVID-19 may cause just as much harm in a person's body. Along with all the changes prompted by the arrival of COVID-19, the increased use of unchecked disinfectants stands out as an important risk factor. For years, scientists and health agencies have studied how the chemical components in common disinfectants might aggra... [Read more...]

The Challenges of Reopening Schools in Times of Pandemic

November 24, 2020

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 Challenges of Reopening Schools In Times of Pandemic An article by Alison Suffet-Diaz was recently published in The Green Schools Catalyst Quarterly. The piece titled "Mission Impossible? Preparing to Reopen Schools During a Global Pandemic" expands on the work that members of Environmental Charter Schools have set out to do to keep their lesson plans running in the face of a global pandemic. Through the collective effort of leaders, teachers, and staff, the 2020 – 2021 school year... [Read more...]

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