The Value of Hypochlorous Acid in Sanitizing and Disinfecting

August 20, 2020 Leave a Comment

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As more schools and businesses open across the country and more people begin venturing out after months of being quarantined due to COVID-19, concerns are being raised regarding how we should go about making the places where we live, work, and play safe for us. There's a lot of talk about the best ways to clean, sanitize, and disinfect our homes and businesses to help reduce the spread of germs and bacteria. At GenEon, we've been talking about the dangers of chemical-based sanitizing and disinfecting products for years. We've known about the value of Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) for years and we've been using it to make cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting products that are sustainable and safe for the environment.

Many Common Cleaning Products Can Be Dangerous
Our products are made using a process is called electrochemical activation (ECA). Here's how it works. One of the natural minerals that GenEon uses as a catalyst is a salt, which is a compound comprised of sodium and chloride. Sodium ions are positively charged and chloride ions are negatively charged. GenEon Onsite Generators expose these ions to a low electrical charge. The positive side of the charge electrochemically converts the chloride ion (Cl) to hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which is a powerful sanitizer. The negative side of the charge electrochemically converts the sodium ion (Na) into sodium hydroxide (NaOH), which is a cleaning compound commonly found in soaps and detergents. Unlike many other OSG systems, GenEon's system is a Blended Stream System that uses both versions in the same solution. The hypochlorous solution is represented as Free Available Chlorine (FAC) that has 80-200 times the disinfecting power of chlorine bleach. Since it is produced at a near-neutral pH, it won't bleach out furniture or clothes. This process is a way to create sanitizing products that are safe for people, pets, and the environment.

Hypochlorous Acid is safe and non-toxic. It is an oxidant found in white blood cells that has been used medically as a wound care product and as a hospital-grade sanitizer effective against dangerous pathogens. Cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting products made with HOCl are not only safe for humans and animals, they pose no threat to our environment, which offers even more benefits.

HOCl has 80-200 Times the Power of Chlorine Bleach
GenEon products are made by combining the ECA process with a technology called on-site generation. This technology allows consumers to make their safe cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting products as they need them. Since products are made on-demand, there is less waste. This means substantial savings for organizations, which can be especially important to schools and other businesses that are concerned about budget. Additionally, making products with ECA eliminates the need to store harmful products in your facility. The Centers for Disease Control and Preventions states in its Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities that the use of ECA and (HOCl) "Is appealing because the basic materials of saline and electricity are inexpensive and the end product (water) does not damage the environment. Both the CDC and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have mentioned Hypochlorous Acid favorably as a means of sanitizing and disinfecting without harming people, pets, or the planet.

In addition to utilizing the power of Hypochlorous Acid in our products, we have developed advanced on-site generation technology and advanced delivery systems that give our customers a complete package for reducing germs and bacteria. Our InstaFlow is a compact way for consumers to generate a high volume of the cleaning, and sanitizing, products they need in schools, daycares, warehouses, medical facilities, and anywhere else where it's important to be able to clean and sanitize regularly. The Trio Rx makes a powerful EPA Registered Broad Spectrum disinfectant that quickly remediate hard to kill pathogens. While our GenEon Mist is ideal for keeping large open areas safeafe. It's perfect for spraying and cleaning bathrooms, classrooms, medical facilities, ambulances, and other hard-to-reach places that are often overlooked and harbor germs and bacteria.

HOCl is Safe for People, Pets and The Environment
We're proud of the products we create here at GenEon. Other companies have recently begun talking about Hypochlorous Acid and its many benefits in recent months, but at GenEon we've been committed to our environment and the safety of consumers since the company was formed. Our mission has always been to provide advanced and effective cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting products that are sustainable, eco-friendly, and free of all the chemicals found in so many commercial products.

We're living through a challenging time right now. As the time nears for schools to open and as businesses search for ways to open safely, we're here to help consumers do so in the best way possible. GenEon is ideal for schools and daycares, medical facilities, long-term care facilities, stores, and anywhere else where the public gathers en masse. To learn more about how you can make GenEon a part of your approach to safe and affordable cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting, fill out the form here on our website. A representative will be happy to get back to you as soon as possible.

Categories: Healthcare, Environment
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