Safety Tips for Cleaning Products

October 19, 2020 Leave a Comment

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Cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting products purchased off store shelves can be dangerous to people, pets, and the planet because they contain numerous unlisted ingredients that can be harmful. We don't just "think" this is the case. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Environmental Protection Agency, and other health organizations have been expressing their concerns about these dangers and issuing warnings for decades now. The warnings pertain to products that include glass cleaners, furniture polish, dish soap and detergent, floor cleaners, toilet cleaners, and a variety of sanitizing and disinfecting sprays. Some of the health concerns associated with these products include skin rashes, eye irritation, lung irritation, asthma, and even cancer, particularly in young children. In fact, according to the EPA Early Learning Guide, a report indicates that children are more likely to see long-term effects from exposure to chemical cleaning products than adults. One study indicates that "5% of childhood cancer and 30% of childhood asthma are related to chemical exposures." That's something we should all be worried about. Here are some safety tips for cleaning products you should consider.

Woman With Mask Buying Cleaning Products

How to Use Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting Products Safely

  • Always make sure all cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting products are safely stored according to the instructions on the product. In homes, keeping these products out of reach of children is important. The same applies to schools. Children in schools are already exposed to chemical-based products while they are being used. They should not have access to them as well.
  • Be especially careful with DIY cleaning. Many of these use bleach, which can be dangerous when it is mixed with other chemical-based products.
  • Do cleaning routines when children aren't present if possible, especially in schools. This can decrease the risk of exposure, although chemical-based products can still leave a residue that might be harmful.
  • Use green products when possible but be aware that a "green" label doesn't mean a product is safe for people. Take time to research the product you want to use.

  • Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting Products Safely Stored
  • Follow instructions on the packaging. Most packaging will give warnings. Those same warnings might also give you an indication of how dangerous the product is. Be wary of using products that require a lot of precautions.
  • Always ventilate areas where you are using a lot of cleaning products with potent fumes. Open windows and doors or run a fan.
  • Wear gloves when you use any kind of chemical-based cleaning, sanitizing or disinfecting product. Avoid touching your eyes or any part of your body until you have thoroughly washed your hands.
We mentioned earlier that many of the products for sanitizing and disinfecting you find on the market contain harsh chemicals that can cause health issues to people and pets and harm the environment. That's why it's so important to always be mindful of following the directions on the label. Even when you follow instructions, however, the chemicals contained in many of these products can still pose a threat. Wouldn't it be nice to have safe cleaners and non-toxic sanitizers and disinfectants that were as effect as commercial cleaning and sanitizing products? Now imagine products that are even more effective without potential hazards.

Gloved Hands Cleaning a Table Top
GenEon has been at the leading edge of developing and distributing safe cleaners and non-toxic sanitizers and disinfectants for years. Our products are made with a process called electrochemical activation (ECA). Here's how it works. One of the natural minerals that GenEon uses as a catalyst is salt. Salt is a compound comprised of sodium and chloride. Sodium ions are positively charged and chloride ions are negatively charged. GenEon Onsite Generators expose these ions to a low electrical charge. The positive side of the charge electrochemically converts the chloride ion (Cl) to hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which is a powerful sanitizer. The negative side of the charge electrochemically converts the sodium ion (Na) into sodium hydroxide (NaOH), which is a cleaning compound commonly found in soaps and detergents. Unlike many other OSG systems, GenEon's system is a Blended Stream System that uses both versions in the same solution. The hypochlorous solution is represented as Free Available Chlorine (FAC) that has 80-200 times the sanitizing power of chlorine bleach. Since it is produced at a near-neutral pH, it won't bleach out furniture or clothes. Products made with ECA are not harmful to people, pets, or the environment, making them the ideal way to clean, sanitize, and disinfect schools and daycares, hospitals, long-term facilities, malls, office buildings, and anywhere else that harbors germs and bacteria.

Our products are made using on-site generation technology like our Instaflow, which lets user make the cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting products they need as they need them. This means there is less waste and more efficiency. It also means there's no need to store harmful chemical-based cleaning products in your facility, reducing the risk to students, employees, or customers.

GenEon's Cleaning Products
We are also the leaders in advanced cleaning and sanitizing systems that make it easy to sanitize and disinfect wide open spaces or hard-to-reach places that often get overlooked. Our Mist system or the more portable bMist Promakes it easy to evenly distribute our cleaners, sanitizers, and disinfectants over all surfaces. This means you get complete coverage of all the major places that people leave and pick up the germs and bacteria that can cause illness. There isn't a better way to help prevent the spread of viruses than with GenEon.

If you are interested in learning how you can get our powerful cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting solutions into your facility, fill out the form here on our website. We will be happy to get back to you as soon as possible.

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